About Us

The Casual Campfire Supply Co. has always been about serving others. What do I mean by that? I do two things with the profit that comes from sales: I donate at least 20% of those profits to thet BackPack Program run by Feeding South Dakota, and I grow the business so I can sell more products and feed more kids.

This non-profit is dedicated to meeting the needs of families and individuals who live in hunger here in South Dakota. Having four children myself, it is so hard for me to think about how many kids are in my own city and state that don’t have enough to eat on a regular basis. The Backpack Program sends kids home from school each weekend with a backpack full of food to help them stay full until Monday morning when they can count on a breakfast and lunch again at school. Being a kid is hard enough sometimes, the least we can do is make sure they have enough to eat.

If backyard get-togethers with a bonfire, friends, and family are your thing – or if camping is your weekend, but you’d like to up your campfire game – you’re in the right spot.

Maybe bonfires aren’t your pastime, but you love the thought of the casual and laid back vibe of a campfire with friends and family – you’re still in the right spot.

If either of the above is true and you feel compelled to join me in my company’s mission to help Feeding South Dakota end hunger here in my home state, then you’re absolutely in the right spot – and in excellent company.

I invite you to take a look around and I’m confident you’ll find something that will fit your style or your bonfire needs.

Thank you.

